My name is Andre and I come from Wuppertal, Germany.

I started with photography around 2008. Initially without my own camera, I got my first camera, a Sony SLT-A33, in 2010. I then practiced and photographed a lot with this camera. In addition to a tripod, I also bought a Metz 50 AF-1 digital flash during this time. The camera then broke down in 2015 and was replaced by the Sony SLT-A58. The camera was then followed by the Sony 55-200 SAL-II and Sony SAL50F18 lenses. Until 2023, I spent a lot of time with this camera and took numerous photos to improve my knowledge and skills. In 2023, the camera was then replaced by the Sony ILCA-77M2. The lenses were also replaced at the same time. My current equipment besides the camera is the Sony SAL1650, the Sony SAL50F18 and the Sony SAL55300, the Metz 50 AF-1 digital flash, the Oppilas S2 Wireless Remote Control and a Rollei C5 tripod.

In addition to this main camera, I bought a Sony DSC-RX100 III as an always-on camera. I also use it for underwater photography. More about this on my other website

In the years that I have been doing photography as a hobby, the motifs have been very varied. From vacation photography to buildings, vehicles, plants, animals and people in my private environment, everything is included.

All photos and videos on this website are subject to my copyright. Reproduction and any other use of the photos and videos is only allowed with my prior written consent. If you are interested in using one or more of my photos, please contact me by e-mail.
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